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Classes and Learning Resources


Daf Yomi Schedule

Mon - Thurs 7:30 p.m. and Tues & Thurs 7:30 am

via ZOOM.

Meeting ID: 822 979 966

Password: 727190

Shabbos 8:00 am at shul

Sunday 7:00 am at shul.

Contact Melvyn Huff (781-784-6608) or for more information.


Sundays - 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 

Rabbi Hartman's class will continue on October 20.

Go to:

Click on: Join a Meeting (top right of page)

Zoom ID: 903 917 1656

Password: 170smain

Shmirat Halashon Study Group -

Will meet this Monday and then after the chagim.

Zoom link: Contact Janis Monat at for link.


We listen to and discuss the Chofetz Chaim's Daily Teachings. You can learn every day or whenever your schedule allows.

Come learn ways we can enhance our relationships with others through our speech. Under the direction of Susan Cable.

By learning two Shmiras Halashon laws a day you can become more aware of your speech and its impact on others.


Torah Conferencing Network

This has ended for the season. 

Rabbi Yisrael Reisman begins the books of Ezra and Nechemia with his famous and thought-provoking Navi class. Rabbi Reisman's motzei Shabbat lectures on Tanach are attended by well over a thousand people every week. No charge and no reservations required.


If you are interested in speaking for future Rosh Chodesh sessions, please contact 

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