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24th Annual Honoree Gala

October 25, 2020

A Virtual Event Via Zoom

Thank you for making this year's Gala and Annual Fundraiser a huge success! 

We will continue to accept business ads through the end of the year as we have created specific online marketing options for the businesses who appreciate our support and support us, as well. If you are interested in learning more about the business advertising opportunities please email

Watch Gala Videos

Gala Planning Committee

Susan Cable, Dr. Alice Cusner,

Esther Dell, Merilee Maeir,

Janis Monat, Tzila Pass, 

Nina Rogoff

If you would prefer to mail a check, please make it payable to:

Congregation Etz Chaim

and mail it to:

74 Billings Street, Sharon MA 02067

Please write "Gala" on the memo line.

You can enclose a message for the ad display with your check or you can email your ad display to:

Business cards and camera-ready ads can be emailed to:  

Thank you!

Honoring our Past Presidents

 Dr. Elie Krakowski - 1994

 Dr. David Yarmush - 1995

Chaim Stramer, Esq. - 1996 &1997, 2000 & 2001, 2006

 Dr. Barry Miller, z"l - 1998 &1999

 Dr. Diego Wyszynski - 2002 2003

 Berney Rogoff - 2004 2005

 Marve Rudenstein - 2007-2011, 2014 & 2015

 John Wilson - 2012

 Jeremy Voss - 2013

 Dave Snyder - 2016 & 2017

 Alex Flig, Esq. - 2018

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